Bridge Rocks are used to make bridges over water ponds, water gardens and water features as well as dry stream beds. These are very significant pieces of stone - some being several feet wide and 10+ feet long. Weight can easily reach into multiple tons. We have so much unique stone in our yard that you can find smaller bridge rocks - something that might be able to be handled by a group of people. But most of these rocks weigh many tons and as a result require machinery to move, including cranes for the largest pieces. These are extraordinary pieces of stone that create lasting impressions in any landscape. Photo examples of how bridge rocks are used in landscapes are shown below, as are examples of rocks found in our New Jersey stone yard.

In conclusion we have rock used to make bridges over water gardens, water stream and dry stream beds and we have a variety of stone to accomplish that objective.

Bridge Rocks

Exmaple of a bridge rock for streams, water gardens, and ponds
A picture of a stone bridge rock that goes over a creek

Bridge Rocks Definition, Description and Details

Full Stone Name

Bridge Rocks

Stone Description

Bridge Rocks are stone used to make water garden, dry stream bed, stream and pond bridges. This stone is typically rectangular, often several feet wide and often 10+ feet long, and always heavy. We have smaller stone that could be used as a light duty bridge or rock, but we also have very large pieces that can only be moved into place by a crane. Bridge rocks are a unique way to span a stream, water garden dry stream bed, or pond. In Conclusion if you are looking to span a pond stream or dry stream bed we have the stone for you.

Stone Color

The stone most often used for bridge rocks is Bluestone or Karney stone. Bluestone will range from silvery blue to earth tone colors including browns and greens. Karney is most often a light to medium brown.

Stone Finish

Bridge and Dive are most often completely natural stone found in fields or quarries that are not processed in any way and the surfaces may be slightly rough, although we choose stone with as smooth a surface as possible. However, some of our bridge rocks are sawn so they have very smooth but not slippery surfaces.

Stone Coverage

Depends on the piece. Bridge rocks can range from 2 feet wide, 3 feet long, and 4" thick to 5 feet wide, 12 feet+ long and 8-10" thick. Every piece is different.

How It Is Sold

Either by weight or by the individual piece.

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