Snapped Tennessee Crab Orchard Stone Steps
Snapped Tennessee Crab Orchard Steps are sawn on top and guillotine snapped on all edges to provide a natural, aged edge. This can be exceptionally colorful stone, every set is very different. We have Tennessee Crab Orchard Irregular Walkway and Patio Stone that goes well with these steps. Looking for something  different for spa steps. This could be it. Very unique.

Snapped Tennessee Crab Orchard (TCO) Natural Stone Steps Description & Details
Full Stone Name
Snapped Tennessee Crab Orchard Natural Stone Steps
Stone Description
Bright colors and snapped edges characterize this stone. Beautiful bands of accent colors in orange and rust, brown and tan. Add a touch of gray or white on select pieces and you get a uniquely colorful stone.
Stone Color
Base color is tan to brown but there is a strong presence of orange, rust and salmon in the unique color bands and blotches on TCO. Brown, white and gray accent colors are possible too.
Stone Finish
All 4 edges are guillotine snapped for a straight but slightly rough finish. Top and bottom are sawn for a smooth but not slippery surface.
Stone Coverage
Most steps have roughly 6" riser heights. Length and width are highly variable and depend on the set. It is not uncommon for each step in a set to be 3-4 feet wide, 2 - 3 feet deep, and 6 to 8" tall, but that can vary widely. We have some sets that are much longer, and certain sets can have significantly smaller lengths and widths.
How It Is Sold
By the square foot.
Frequently Asked Questions
Similar Products - What Goes With This Stone?
In addition to steps we sell TCO stair treads.