Building Sill, Fireplace Mantles and Hearths Description and Details
Full Stone Name
Bluestone sills, hearths or mantles - could also be custom cut from a bluestone stair tread.
Stone Description
Sawn and then heated treated to add texture these are clean, beautiful pieces of stone.
Stone Color
Silvery blue although some select pieces may have subtle earth tone accents.
Stone Finish
Sawn all 6 sides and then heat treated to smooth the stone and add a slight texture.
Stone Coverage
If you include stair treads as potential pieces for a custom hearth or mantle, in addition to the pre-cut sills, we have a very large assortment of sizes - literally dozens of sizes to choose from.
How It Is Sold
By the square foot.
Frequently Asked Questions
Similar Products - What Goes With This Stone?
Bluestone is a large family of stone at Wicki Stone. We also carry
- Bluestone Wall Stone - multiple forms
- Bluestone Walkway and Patio Stone
- Bluestone Building Stone
- Bluestone Steps - Multiple Types
- Bluestone Bridge and Dive Rocks