We sell a number of different types of stone that have rounded edges that have been shaped by water. They range is size from small decorative gravel to small boulders. The gravel can be used as a decorative mulch, and the larger stone can be used in water gardens, dry stream beds, and as scultptural accent rocks.

We have an area of the yard with palleted stone that has all been shaped by exposure to water over time. Although it is possible to build stone walls out of this stone it is more often used as decorative accents in dry stream beds, water gardens, or even as sculptural placement rocks used alongside plantings.

These are River Boulders. They can be used to make a rock wall, as sculptural placement rocks, and in numerous ways in a water garden. They can vary widely in size but many of the stones you are seeing are 2 feet wide and deep, with both larger and smaller boulders available.
This product is called River Coping - they can be used for a stone wall, in a dry stream bed, as a decorative accent in a drainage area, or as sculptural placement rocks. The average size piece in this picture is somewhere in the vicinity of 12" wide and deep and 2-4" tall.
This product is called River Ovals - they can be used as a decorative mulch type stone, in the bed of a dry stream, to line a drainage ditch, in the bottom of a water garden, and mixed among larger stone on the sides and around a water garden. The average size piece in this picture is somewhere in the vicinity of 4-6" wide and deep and 2-3" tall.
This product is called Premium Delaware River Gray. It is called premium because it more colorful than our regular Delaware River Gravel. It includes a larger amount of the red stone as well as other more vibrant colors. We sell Premium Delaware River Gravel in three sizes - 1-3 inch, 3/4 inch and 3/8 inch. It is most often used as a decorative landscape mulching stone, in the bed of dry streams and drainage areas.
Examples of River Shaped Rocks in Landscapes