Easiest Wall Stone To Work With
We are often asked "What is the easiest wall stone to work with?" or "What is the easiest wall stone to stack?". At Wicki Stone of the nearly two dozen different wall stones we carry - we feel that our Snapped Wall Stone products are the easiest to work with.
Snapped wall stone is raw slabs of stone that are spilt by a stone guillotine to create easy to assemble wall stone blocks. Snapped wall stone has rather smooth tops and bottoms - so they stack very easily. Snapped stone has reasonably uniform depths, the only thing that varies is the height of individual blocks and lengths - exactly what you want for a naturally stacked stone wall.
The picture below shows a pallet of our Snapped Bluestone wall stone. You can see the differing widths. The heights vary but typically there are only 3 or 4 different heights - which gives you the height variation within wall blocks that can really make a stone wall look natural.

The front edges of the stone have been snapped and that allows the true color of the inside of the stone to show through.
Beloware photographs of two walls built by combining the two types of snapped wall stone we routinely stock. The blue/gray/silver stone is Snapped Bluestone, the darker stone is Snapped Karney®. Once you get a level base the stone can easily be stacked and it is an easy stone to use when you have to turn a corner with the wall.
In summary - the uniformity of the pieces make snapped wall stone easy to work with, but the slightly rough faces and varying heights/widths make a finished wall look very natural. It is a rare combination. To learn more about our wall stone choices please visit our wall stone page https://wickistone.com/landscape-stone/wall-stone/
We sell Snapped Karney and Snapped Bluestone wall stone in pallets and in bulk (loose by weight).